

Dear Leanna,

I was reading through your Q&A again in the hope that I had missed the answers to my questions. It seems that I did miss the answer to the second question. I apologize for missing it upon my first read. I do hope you'll answer the second question. There are no dates in your Q&A so it's difficult to tell how often you update your file.

One thing that popped out at me in the Q&A was the question about what duct tape is called in Australia and South Africa. I wanted to let you know that the Wikipedia entry on duct tape has some information about this. It discusses the difference between North American duct tape and the usage of the term in areas such as Australia and New Zealand. According to the article, their "duct tape is a 48 mm (1.9 in) wide PVC tape (usually silver in color) with no cloth backing and much weaker clear adhesive." It goes on to state that "Duck brand cloth-backed tape in Australia is labeled as Power Tape (a purely promotional term), and other cloth-backed tapes are generally labeled as cloth tape or gaffer tape. The use of this definition varies between Australians; many refer to duct tape as the same product as is sold in North America." I wonder if you were to link to the Wikipedia article if that would help people in other parts of the world determine what it is called in their location? There's also a general article on pressure sensitive tape, which may help people differentiate the different tapes as well.

Do you know if anyone has tried using Gorilla Tape instead of duct tape? I didn't see it mentioned in your Q&A. It's supposed to be superior to duct tape in that it is stronger, tears more easily and adheres to just about any surface. The downsides are that it is thicker and heavier and that it has little stretch or give. I'm not sure how well it it would for a duct tape double but it would certainly be interesting to find out. I wonder if you'd need the same number of layers since it is supposedly 145% stronger than duct tape.

Thank you in advance for your help.



Hi Rebecca,

Thanks for the great information. I will get this up on the site as quick as I can for folks to see. 
Gorilla Tape is made here in Cincinnati, Ohio. I've known about it for some time but have not tried it. I drive by the factory all the time. From what it says on the link you sent it should be perfect for making the double. I've been needing to redo my personal double for several years and I think I will use Gorilla Tape when I finally do it. I post a full report.


I am trying to find the foam to do a foam dress form, but haven't found it yet. I know it's messy and expensive, but I can't see duct tape holding up under repeated pinnings and boning fittings. I do Mediaeval garb, which often requires stays, etc. I need something firmer. I have the original Threads article at home, but need a source of pourable foam rubber.

Sorry, but I have no sources for rubber foam. A few folks have given me ideas about that expandable foam stuff that's solid you get at hardware stores, but no rubber type foam. The information I do have is here:

I already have the instruction for the "duct tape double" and know of a variation done in old fashion mailing tape (that dries like paper mache and lets you stick pins in your double), the kind you have to wet then apply to boxes. However I can't seen to find any in the stores. Do you know of anyone who has done this and found a supplier?

I think your best bet is Staples, or Office Max.


Hello there. I saw a FAQ Question on your site that asks where a person can find gummed paper tape, and I wanted to pass along the tip that I just purchased a CASE to split up between myself and my group of crafting girlies for 17.00 on auction (that was 15 rolls, 375 feet per roll.) shipping added 19.00 (via fed-ex as it is a 34# case) but still when you consider the cost of this tape at the store is about 3.00 a roll for 1/10th the tape per roll (At office depot) that drives the cost of a paper-tape double through the roof! The name of the online ebay store where I got the tape was Coleman Wholesale Supplies. I am not affiliated with them, don’t even know them beyond doing one transaction with them (which has been great) But I thought I might pass this tidbit along to you to post on your site as a tip to all the other dressmaking double makers out there. (I just looked and it looks like he has more tape, none on auction but the Buy it Now sale price is 23.95, still an amazing bargain!)

Thank you for the wonderful information in kind! I hope this can help someone else into a double.


What is the estimated amount (rolls) of duct tape required for a ~size 20 mature body? Thanks, Patri

I would have 4 rolls handy, but you might not use all of it. Having extra sure does beat running out to the store half taped to get more. Some of the stories in the Tales section of my site give how much tape was used. You might be able to get a better idea from these.

Didn't think it would be this hard to get a tube, since there are 3 fabric stores that carry decorator fabrics, but I haven't been able to get one yet. Perhaps I could purchase a shipping tube from "The Mail Box" or "Post Haste."

This might be a good idea if it is thick enough.

I have not yet made a duct tape double.  I went to the store and have found three different weights of duct tape.  Does the weight (thickness) of the tape make a difference?  Is lighter or heavier easier to work with?  Thanks.  I hope this works.  I am at the end of my rope in terms of fitting.  I know very few people who sew or who could help with fitting.  Keep working on the bottom half of the body idea.  Any help in making a pants double would be greatly appreciated.   Rose

 Wow, three ? You've got on well stocked store there. No, the weight doesn't really matter, just the three layers in the opposing directions creates the strength to hold the shape. I've only used one weight. (My store only carries one) So I guess I would try the medium one if I had a choice.

Hi Leanna,

I am a sewer from South Africa and in my sewing group we have for a long time been looking for instructions like these. I have asked my husband what he understands by "duct tape" and he isn't sure what it is, even though he is something of a handyman. So, before I send for the instructions, could you tell me what the tape actually is so I can be sure I can get it here? And secondly, what is "snailmail" please? Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you, Sandra

In your case I have not been able to find out what Duct Tape is called in South Africa. I'm still trying to find out what they call it in Australia because someone wrote asking that several months ago. Duct Tape here in the US, is a fabric based tape with a Polyethylene finish on it. It comes in large rolls 2 inches wide. It was developed for use by plumbers to temporally patch duct work, thus the name "duct tape". The 3M company sells it on the web at

Here's a link to a page on The Duct Tape Guy's site:

It has several other names for Duct Tape. Perhaps there's one you recognize.

Snail Mail is an Internet term referring to regular parcel post. The way most non-Internet users send letters and packages. I have the Instructional file on floppy disks that have to be sent this way. Most of my customers prefer the speed of the download. Sending a snail mail to South Africa I think would take a good long time from where I am in the US, and cost a considerable amount in postage fees. I have not been offering this service to those outside the US because of this expense.

Hope this answers your questions!


I'm form Australia and just had a peek at your site, pretty cool ideas. Anyway, most people in Australia call 'duct tape' either 'electrical tape, 'duct tape', or 'gaffa tape'. Hope this helps.


A Special Thanks-

To all my Internet friends who have given suggestions for this page. Whether it was an easier way to make the form you discovered while trying this method for yourself, or helping me phrase an instruction so it could be understood better, your help has been indispensable. If you have noticed your words added to this page, give yourself a big pat on the back.