
Email Policy


You have reached this page because you clicked on an email link. I am assuming you wish to write me an email. Before you do please read this:

I have stated on this site that Leanna Studios is my only business and I am its only employee. All opinions on this site are mine. They are carefully stated as opinions, not laws. I do my best to sound fare but I know that my words are often misunderstood. Anything I write may be discussed and disagreed with. This site is mainly focused on wedding garments from the bridal gown and maid's dresses to mom's and flower girl's attire (with the occasional groom and wedding guest clothing) but any one is welcome to write me about anything. Whatever the letter may be, I retain the right to post any letter written to me from this site.

The deal is - if I use my time to answer your question, I get to use your question, my answer, and any links or photos for my site. I do not put up last names or email addresses. If I am told the wedding date, I also will not put up anything until after that date. I don't ask for any monetary fee for my advice and I don't guarantee that it will be the answer you are hoping to get, but it will be my honest opinion based on my 40 some years of experience working in the bridal industry.

The letters I choose to post are those I judge to be of interest to other visitors of my site. I created this site to be a source of information and education for brides, grooms, and their loved ones but also for sewing professionals who wish to have their workmanship be the best possible to serve their clients. Real stories, both good and bad, are desired so we may all learn how to go about the process of planning a wedding with the joy that this time was meant to have. I have witnessed too many sad experiences in my professional career. These sad experiences prompted me to start this site. I am sharing my real experiences and those of others. If you disagree with anything written on my site you are welcome to write and add your opinion to the others.

There are bumps in any road we travel in life. I firmly believe that the bumps brides and grooms encounter while planning their wedding should help them to develop the problem-solving skills that will make their marriage strong and able to handle the rest of the road ahead of them.

If you still wish to write to me here's your link:

Send email to Leanna

P.S. Please note that the email address in the link posted above gets changed periodically to help me control the SPAM that is a fact of life on the Internet. If you wish to write me again in the future please check back here for a possible new address.

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The Bridal Studio Beautiful Bustles The Home Pro Studio Duct Tape Double Dress Forem Studio

This site created and maintained by: Leanna Studios
© Copyright 1994 by Leanna Studios. All Rights Reserved.